Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sex and pleasure

Sex and pleasure  are good in and of themselves. Procreation is too rare for them not to be. Companionship is good in and of itself. This orientation toward an end is classicalism run amok, coming from stoicism and the idealism of Plato toward sex, which likely reflected his Asexuality which infected the entire field. It is perversion.

Jesus never talked means and ends. It is time to unbaptize classicalism, especially when it is based on an undercurrent of sexual exceptionalism (asexuality).

Do traditionalilsts have a reason originating with Christ that does not depend on sexual proclivity of celibates and/or asexuals? Does it stand on its own if I do not accept a common premise, which is my right in a logical arugment? I kind of doubt it.

Their argument works in a hierarchical culture or even a despotic one. It fails in an individualism/libertarianism and in egalitarianism. Both cultures are legitimate world views. It is time to stop wondering why Humanae Vitae is so ignored, quit hopine all will repent or assume all will be damned and make yourselves useful and deal with reality, starting with the sexual orientation of the clergy through the years, which attracted gay and asexual orientees and led to a peculiar sexual morality. Jesus did not intend his miistry to be weird. Remember that he called married men, probably was himself and that the view that he was celibate is likely an asexual myth.

I am not saying that we cannot look for means and ends. We must always remember, however, that they are logical constructs, not reality. The natural order is a construct to. It lives in langues, not nature. It gets beyond the problem of a perfect deity who cannot be harmed by sin. Such concepts are real based on wide agreement. That agreement is going away, largely because the Catholic Church overplayed its hand and the generations born after World War II (as well as those who fought it) realized that their salvation was not in the hands of the clergy, which on a second look seemed peculiar. Indeed, the heteros in the clergy saw the problem first and fled. Probably too many went in from gratitude for surviving the war and realized the implilcit asexuality was not for them. Until the Church accepts modern sexual categories and looks at how its clergy fits them, it will get more and more isolated. This is bowing to reality, not modernity.

Have the emotional maturity to realize that the critics love the Church and want it to thrive and that maybe, if you try on what we are saying, it might have a better chance. The Gates of Hell prophesy by Jesus says eventually you will. 

We are to live this life fully. Obsessing about your sin or the sins of others is to live in the original sin of blame, the knowledge of good and evil. Fixation on sexual sins causes us to ignore the more important issues of poverty and wealth. It is no wonder that Marx and the secularists condemn us, as we are worthy of condemnation. Indeed, their oracle to us is more useful than the fixation on sexual sins that may not even be sinful if looked at from a healthy sexuality.


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