Sunday, February 03, 2019

Regarding Ralph

With respect. VA is no sicker now tham last Wednesday and Northum quitting won't matter either way. A sense of humor and economic justice will.

I have been in politics for 35 years. (having worked for both Jepsen and Barry) . I can spot a set up a mile away. He likely resisted something going on behind the scenes. One scandal in a week is bad luck. Two is conspiracy.

I would say he should resign save for someone running with the story of his remarks on resuscitating newborn with severe genetic defects. Someone is going for him.

This about what to do if Pelosi and Biden don't want to be President if Pence is dirty. Sounds like there is inside information bring used. It only matters if Kaine is about to leave Senate as HRC VP. What did Blogoiavich say on Senate seats?

I wonder if this spate of Northem revelation is not about Terry Mac wanting Kaine seat. We need Trump & Pence to quit & anyone but HRC as POTUS, regardless of what happens to Northum.


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