Saturday, June 29, 2019

Doh! God

Growing up Catholic, or even Christian, you learn that Jesus is the Word of God, aka the Logos and the perfect image of the father. Narcisus was only a 2 dimensional image, but the Logos, who is also Sophia or Wisdom, is omni-dimensional.

Likewise, the Spirit is also Grace and perfect Love of the Father for the Son (and in the Roman Church, the Son for the Father. The root for the Spirit in Greek is of Feminine gender, so of course, the Church uses a Neutered term to describe the power that overshadowed Mary. Accepting even linguistic feminity would mean Jesus had two Mommies. The feminine understanding of the One God in Judaism is called Shekinah (as opposed to Ashura, who was the bride of Yahweh).

Yahweh is also how the Father is named, aka Jehovah aka He Who Is aka Elohim or Allah - both of whom are the same word.  One is Hebrew the other is Arabic. Baal is the Caananite version, probably as understood by Melchezadech, King of Salem (like Pharoh was a king). I have been a bit dense for the past half a century in figuring out what attribute distinguished the Father. I have been thinking of Him in terms of being Perfection, as I used it in Musings from the Christian Left, aka Conscience of a Catholic Radical aka The Future is Calling: It Wants a New God.

Perfection is an adjective, not a known or a verb. It did not sing. Over the past week or so I thought about using Life, although Jesus called himself the Way, the Truth and the Life and the original Church called itself The Way. As a side note, Alcoholics Anonymous at first called itself the Fellowship of the Spirit. If you called it the Fellowship of Shekinah you would be correct, but that would have locked many out of A.A. if they were agnostic.

It just hit me that Being, aka Supreme Being, aka He Who Is was the attribute I should have been using in my book. Doh!

Of course, this means editing at least two manuscripts, one for paper and one Kindle. So much for a week off. I have come down with a cold anyway, nut writing this blog post provides the mental note to place in the text (all but this last bit).

That means understanding the Trinity as Being, Truth and Love. That does sing and Being was right in front of me since I saw The Ten Commandments. Being as in be still. Human being, not human doing.

The 3 persons of God are more accurately called personas, or the three ways we experience God, aka, how God occurs for us. It is not so different semantically than the 13 names Judaism uses for the One God, aka Ashem.

Actually, there are Seven billion conceptions of God, one for each person, or a multiple of 7 billion, since everyone has the idea of a benevolent God, a harsh God, no God, a God in all of us and the self as God. That makes for about 35 billion mixes before you dress them up wth doctrine and myth (God, the Fairy Tale).

And now, I really am on vacation, since Trump lasted the day, meaning the next data dump will be on Friday, July 5th, when the Mueller  Grand Jury must adjourn with no further extension or action. Thank God! Almost every redaction labeled as Grand Jury Secret in the report comes off and Barr can then send everything to Nadler. Indeed, he pretty much has to. I suspect that this was the plan all along. No shoe remains undropped. I suspect I will be sleeping better than Trump this week.

God Bless.

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