My response to the VCC
The language of the Constant Contact email is a blatant endorsement and probably an event designed to keep the House of Delegates in Republican hands.
How dare you! Ask us before you speak in our names political. You are prostituting the Church to the Republican Party.
The a portion rights bill referred to means nothing unless Roe is overturned, which it cannot be. Doing so would not only take down all federal supremacy in civil rights jurisprudence.
While you may like how this would settle abortion, birth control, sodomy and gay marriage, it would also bring back the state government majority tyranny of Plessy v. Ferguson and would prevent overturning Blaine Amendments. These prevent the Catholic Church from receiving public educational funding.
If Roe stayed in place, the federal government could still create a federal right to life. This would make state law, such as the Virginia abortion bill proposed, moot. It would mandate that all states protect the unborn after whatever fetal age they set for legal status.
This would also require that state power to protect the unborn through criminal law not be selectively enforce. This would (regardless of your intent) subject all D&C procedures to criminal enforcement. If they did mot, every voluntary abortion would be classified as a miscarriage.
The right of privacy prohibits these investigations. The right may also eventually be used to stop the investigation of suicide and it's assistance by doctors. Self-euthanasia will never be enacted legislatively in most places. Only the federal courts can put it under the privacy umbrella.
Most, if not all, competent judicial appointees know how federal supremacy and privacy work. They will never vote to repeal Roe, nor should they. There is no relationship between presidential appointment power and repeal. Chief Roberts and Associate Alito voted with Justice Kennedy on the Partial Birth Abortion Law based on the Commerce Clause. As you well know, the Act was a Trojan Horse to repeal Roe. It failed spectacularly to do so. Associate Scalia said as much in his concurrence.
Associates Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will both vote the same way. Box v. Planned Parenthood of IN & KY, which if heard coud have protected female and Down's fetuses from abortion, was not granted Certiorari and it's reversal on such protection by the 6th Circuit not heard under Rule 10. The rule could have been ignored if 4 justices wished to overturn Roe. The case was decided Per Curiam. June v. Gee will be decided the same way, overturning Louisiana's Trap Law and overturning the 5th Circuit. Game over.
This essentially means that the bishops in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Ohio and Pennsylvania gave us the most incompetent and corrupt president in our nation's history and got nothing for the unborn in return.
How could you?!! End the lie. The Republicans will never do what is essential to reduce abortions. It is what Pius XI directed in Casti Connubii #119-122. Provide a living wage for families. A refundable child tax credit of $1000 per child delivered with pay will do so. GOP members will through the unborn under the bus to resist socialist solutions. It is they who must be abandoned.
Yours in Christ
Michael Bindner
PS Telling the truth on this cannot be sinful. You should try it.
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