Monday, September 02, 2019

In Solidarity

Today is Labor Day. We celebrate the solidarity of workers. We must ask ourselves, who are our fellows?

Capital has set management over us, creating a divide amongst us so that to meet our basic needs we must put advancement before solidarity.

We must seek cheap goods. We are even made to chose between survival and killing our children In the womb. Capital takes the lion's share as it enslaves our sisters and brothers, both home and abroad. They have set us against our fellow workers so as to profit from our mutual pain. We must stand together in mutual ownership.

Even the professional class, which is set apart by their education, are exploited by Capital. They give their best efforts for a higher wage and a pittance when their efforts bring fruit. Setting them apart maintains division so that all are exploited. In seeking their credentials, they are made to into debtors to Capital, where solidarity would allow all to actualize our God- given talents. May we serve others rather then the few.

Today, we honor the brotherhood of all. When we are kept separate, all are exploited. We shall stand together against this division, sharing our talents equally while providing each the means to to meet their full potential.

None must be excluded from our mutual brotherhood so our differences do not divide us. We take back our very selves from those who would own us. For this, we must act as one.

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