Monday, June 28, 2021

The Sixteen Ways of Truth

Of late, I have been binging on videos from the folks at Objective Personality, who base their work on the cognitive functions identified by Carl Jung.  As a Ti dom with an Ne parent, I would, of course, work out my own logic and options for their theoretical framework. I will explain what I mean as I share my observations.

There are eight cognitive functions under this typology - four introverted and four extroverted. Everyone does everything, but four are active in our personalities. One of each base function, with two being introverted - or inward looking - and two extroverted - or outward looking.

The four basic functions are thinking, feeling, sensing and intuiting. OP calls the first two deciders and the second two observers - with the deciders reflecting self v. tribe and the observers relating to how we organize data. I don't agree with the latter. These are also self v. tribe.

Ti is introverted thinking. Ti users find truth using logic and reason. All Ti users are also Fe users. Fe is extroverted feeling. Extroverted feelers manage the emotions and seek to influence or accept the morality of the tribe.

Te is extroverted thinking. Te users find truth in the logic of the tribe, but they have their own strong moral base and convictions because they have Fi, introverted feeling. The latter means they put a high value on their own emotions.

Si is introverted sensing. Their physical world is internal and personal. They make themselves comfortable in their surrounds and with their memories of the past. They are also have extroverted intuition (Ne), so their outward focus is to provide plans and options to the tribe or group. They come up with outside the box solutions.

Se is extroverted sensing. They organize the external world for other people.They throw the best parties. They have introverted intuition (Ni) - meaning they come up with their own plans to get things done. They don't want anyone messing with their plan. Se is usually seen as not wanting to be controlled, however this is more about not violating their Ni.

As above, everyone has a T-F and an S-N polarity. If the TF top function is extroverted, then the top SN is introverted (and vice-versa). For example, an introverted thinker (Ti Dominant) will be either an extroverted sensor or extroverted intuitive (creator) in the second function. The third function is the other SN function - in which case it will be introverted. The fourth function is the opposite of the first (for thinking, it's feeling, etc.).

How these functions interrelate give us 16 types. Each has their own view of what is true (which I will base on the two top functions).

INTP: introverted thinking, extroverted sensing find their truth in what is reasonable and what is possible. They create and are not into dogma.

ENTP: extroverted intuition with introverted thinking puts possibility first and truth second. They don't care what dogma is and like to argue.

ISTP: introverted thinking with extroverted sensing find their truth in logical physical reality. Their truth is an ordered physical universe.

ESTP: extroverted sensing with introverted thinking find their truth in doing things for others and doing it well.

INFP: introverted feeling with extroverted intuition find their truth in their feelings and beliefs. They offer possible emotional and ethical options to the tribe. Their truth is mystical and personal.

ENFP: extroverted intuition with introverted feeling lead others to higher beliefs. Their truth is in moral transformation. You can find revivalism here.

ISFP: introverted feeling with extroverted sensing find their truth in how they feel and how they interact with the physical world. Their truth is in how they feel about the physical universe.

ESFP: extroverted sensing with introverted feeling  bring their personal beliefs into the physical world of others. They do things for others based on their beliefs. Their truth is in doing things for others based on their beliefs.

INTJ introverted intuition with extroverted thinking apply their personal creativity to find truth for others to use. They invent things to be used by others. They find their truth outside themselves and are creative inside of that truth. Their truth is innovation.

ENTJ extroverted thinking with introverted intuition make a plan for themselves to work within the truth of the tribe for their own interests. Their truth is success for themselves within the tribe.

INFJ introverted intuition and extroverted feeling have a plan for themselves to manage the feelings of the tribe. Their truth is building community.

ENFJ extroverted feeling and introverted intuition plan their lives around the feelings of the tribe. Their truth is conformity with the community.

ISTJ introverted sensing extroverted thinking manage their physical space for the well being of the group. They are nurses and others who serve others from what they know.

ESTJ extroverted thinking introverted sensing are the guardians of truth. They teach the group what to do in the physical world.  Their truth is the facts of the physical world as they know it. They inspect things.

ISFJ introverted sensing extroverted feeling use their internal world to manage the feelings of others. Their truth is how they make others feel. They are performers. Their truth is what they do for the audience.

ESFJ extroverted feeling introverted sensing enjoys the feelings of the tribe. They make great memories of their time with others. Where's the party? Their truth is what they remember, good and bad, of the past. Their truth is Auld Lang Syne (days gone by).


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