Monday, October 17, 2022

Critical Replacement Theory and Zion

I am an ethnic (rather than a religious) Jew. This means my father was ethnically Jewish and Catholic and  my mother was not Jewish.  I was vexed when Unite the Right got their torches out and yelled "The Jews will not replace us!" My original thought was that I had no interest in dating your cousin (sister?). She's all yours.

I have since found out that these marchers believed that there is a Jewish led organized breeding program which has non-Whites come to America and go to public school so that they may date White kids (particularly White girls) and create mixed race children so that the White race ceases to exist. At the same time, to be a Jew, your mom must be Jew - so my ethnicity shrinks even faster than White Gentiles (although the children of non-White gentile fathers married to Jewish mothers would still be Jewish).

Does this sound crazy enough yet? It certainly does not reflect the realities of Jewish politics.

The main issue in the consciously Jewish community is Israel, especially among conservatives. Some conservative White Goyim believe in Zion so that Jews would be Christianized and bring about the end of time (just to ramp up the crazy). Luther was the first to try this in modern times (although some Apostles had a go as well, for the same reason), which is why my father's side is Catholic. We would be Lutheran but for the Treaty of Augsburg. Interestingly, my Father was Zionist. He was part of the Greatest Generation who remember the camps but did not suffer and die there (although I have relatives who did).

I am not a Zionist, but I am a Liberal Democrat (my father was GOP, as are my western Iowa cousins, some of whom do not acknowledge or accept the ethnic tag of the name Bindner - its that second N. As Catholics, they are agnostic about the Rapture, so have no desire to convert Israeli Jews. Interestingly enough, up until the last generation, they married other German Catholics (not knowing that many of them had the same ethnic background as Catholic Jews). My Mom was English-German-Norwegian - decidedly not Jewish.

As a Jew who has dated religious Jews, I have some visibility into their politics. Many are both liberal and Zionist. They don't believe in being converted to bring about the Rapture. They are mostly fine with immigration - but not to replace White male seed. Many have married non-Jews and are essentially secular. They do believe in unionization and the end of right to work laws and government benefits to both minorities and poor Whites.

Then there are the Republican Jews, both Zionist and non. Those that are Zionist have Israel as their primary issue - think Sheldon Adelson. They are likely good bosses, but their politics are agnostic on the issue of workers rights in general. They do not believe in Critical Replacement Theory, but do want politicians (and other Republican voters) to support Israel, funding AIPAC. As Republicans, they look the other way on Immigration politics.

What does this mean for CRT? Rich Jews active in politics (as well as the converted) do not believe in CRT. The Republicans are fine with Capitalist exploitation of working class White people. The Democrats believe or don't believe in Zion but do believe in making life better for Working Class Whites and Immigrants.

So, who should WCWs vote with. Let me give you a hint - if you vote Republican it is for racial identity, but it is very much not in your economic interest to do so. Jews don't care who you sleep with or marry. In both parties, Zionists care about voting for Israel, but for some, this is not an issue - especially those of us who are mixed or younger.

We would rather you not practice Critical Replacement Theory, since it sometimes leads to violence against those of us who go to Synagogue rather than Mass. If you made it this far, or you are Rich and Jewish and support Republicans, please be careful where your money goes. I am talking to you Sheldon - those Republicans who vote with you on Israel don't like you and don't vote for their rational economic interests. Please be careful where your money goes.


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