Friday, July 21, 2023

The Origins of the Rapture

Sin is about harm we do others. We cannot harm God. A god that van be harmed is a mere creature. This whole focus on avoiding Hell makes showing love to others optional, which is wrong. It is essential. Black lives really do matter.

Justification is about group dynamics. So is martyrdom. Christianity started out as a martyrs Church. The Rapture is antithetical to this. It is cheap grace on steroids.

The tribulation is simply life, not a prophesied event. We each meet Christ in the air when we die. Throughout history, prophecy is a form of social commentary about the present, not the future. Dispensationalism is about avoiding the needs if others. It is a toxic concept.

For the sake of argument, if there were a tribulation at the hands of Antichrist, Christians will be the targets. Modern day martyrs. It is a mark of faith and brotherhood to give ones life for Jesus. There is no glory in Rapture.


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