Monday, August 12, 2024

How should Never-Trumpers Vote?

Kamala Harris is now getting support from Haley voters, sometimes in an organized fashion. 

Others may just leave that position blank. I suggest that instead, they vote Libertarian, both for President and Congress. Whatever they do, let us hope that all Republicans punish members who voted to stop the steal on January 7, 2021. 

As far as we know, there will be no indictments of membres who met with Trump a week before. Did they coordinate with the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers, or merely organize the votes and try to get Clark appointed as acting-Attorney General. The Ethics Committee needs to look at that issue and consider whether such members who met with the President should be designated as Insurrectionists for the purpose of the 14th Amendment.

Traditional practice is to wait for prosecution and conviction to expel a member who behaves unethically.  The House should not wait and if they designate a member as an insurrectionist, the burden should be on the member to get the permission of both houses.

Regardless, they do not deserve reelection.

What will happen if people vote Libertarian instead? They could caucus with the Republicans as if nothing happened. They, and Republicans who are not traitors, could vote together and deny admission to the Freedom Caucus or could encourage the Democrats to split into Social Democrats and (Neo)Liberal Democrats and divide their votes accordingly.

If it is business as usual, especially if the GOP still has a substantial minority or majority, nothing will get done.

People need to vote like they want real government instead. It is up to voters, not members, to make this happen.


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