Personal to Trump 47
Half the country thinks you are an idiot. If you had better staff, it would make you look good. You paid homage to your side, but you need to quit doing it. Call me if you want to be great in everyone's mind, not just your own.
Keep doing you. I can help you play to your strengths as a CEO in government, rather than the caricature of a CEO in government. It is good to have introverted feeling, introverted intuition and extraverted sensing. But you need to be aware that your extraverted thinking is not your strong suit. It does not have to be if you get the right people. Someone whose Extraverted Thinking and Extraverted Intuition will make you look Great. Not Good, Great. But you have to fire the people who let you play the fool so that people keep talking about you. At some point, bad publicity really is bad.
Call me when you are ready to quit looking bad. I was doing public policy before you met your first super-model. I will tell you how to move from tariffs to VAT and why that will work out for the nation. Do you want to start winning? Prove it. The Ways and Means and Finance Committees have my digits.
P.S. In this video, I detail how the COVID deaths were on what W.H.O and C.D.C. did wrong. Your only fault is that your staff was too busy making you look good rather than finding out what was being missed - which was their job and they failed at it.
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