Monday, February 24, 2025

The Chain of Command

Note to Musk: You are staff. You can make requests, not give orders. You have no authority and no legal power. The power is vested in agency directors, especially Cabinet Officers. If you tick them off, Trump could be seen as disabled. The 25th Amendment has procedures for declaring him disabled. Acting cabinet members still get a vote on this.

End this obsession with people going to work in person. It is a CEO bright shiny object. If you want to improve productivity, look at how Congress stands in the way of money being spent and authorization legislation being passed. Fixing Congress is the low hanging fruit.

Note to Trump, see above on the 25th Amendment. Also, if you let Musk keep embarrassing you, the American Legislative Exchange Council (under Koch) may decide that it needs to reclaim the GOP organizational structure and do something about your relationship with Putin.

Our NATO allies are also starting to notice. If they tell their forces that the Supreme Commander of NATO will be replaced with an officer of another member, you are essentially fired from your role as the Commander in Chief of the Alliance. They seem to have had enough.

Why you are in thrall to Putin is puzzling. HIs country has nothing that others do not have. His military is broken and his nukes likely do not work. His people do not have enough initiative to get rid of him. No one wants to conquer Russia. It is a crap hole. Also, at some point, your NY appeals will be done and your organization will be in no position to build anything in Moscow. 

You say you want to visit. Now that you are no longer under indictment or on bail, you can certainly go to Russia and stay there. Zelensky's forces may eventually meet you and Putin in Moscow. This is likely where the war will finally  be going.

Pick your side. Behave yourself and the world may let you keep your job. Let Elon ignore the chain of command, continue to support Putin's tyranny at home and his war on Ukraine and you will see that you are replaceable as "leader of the free world." In fact, no one considers you to be that anymore.


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