Saturday, March 27, 2010

Arlingon (VA) Catholic Herald letters for March 24

There was not much in the opinion section of the Catholic Herald this week. We are in the calm before the storm on immigration and after the storm on health care reform. Read it at:

One correspondent wrote about their inspriring experience at the annual March for Life (although this is about 2 months late). I am glad she was inspried, however most mass actions are somewhat inspiring, although sometimes not in a good way. The purpose of educating politicians on the morality of abortion is probably not where the movement wants to be. It would be more productive to find a better way to protect the unborn than the stock movement answer of overturning Roe v. Wade, since many of the consequences would not be good for either equal protection law or women. Not much benefit would accrue to the unborn, since they wouold simply be aborted out of state or in an unsafe procedure. Economics is the key, and we did alot for them this week by making sure that when they are born their parents can afford to take them to the doctor.

There were a few people who commented on the Herald's coverage of a local St. Patrick's Day parade. They object to a picture of someone's doggy dressed up like a bishop in commemoration of the saint. IMHO, this shows a complete lack of perspective. I am quite sure no offense was intended by either the Herald or the dog owner, since for them the pooch was an object of affection, not meant to be disrespectful. This is one case where people need to take responsibility for their reactions and ask for themselves what the people in front of and behind the camera were trying to convey. One writer even compared the picture to a prior depiction of the Prophet as a dog, which was not meant to be cute and which drew protest. The writer unwittingly identifies himself with such intolerance, which is both telling and sad.

Finally, there was a comment on a George Weigel essay wishing for more silence at Mass. I have to agree with both the writer and George (something I rarely do). It seems Catholics make lousy Quakers (who treasure silence in their services). I blame some of this on music ministers who try to fill every minute. In my own parish, it would be better if the song after Communion were not started until the Blessed Sacrament is reserved and the people allowed to sit - driving home that we are revering Christ, not the priest. It would also prevent the sound of the thundering heard sitting when Father does sit down in the middle of the hymn. Of course, an Augustinian interpretation would have the people sit instead of kneeling after reception, since at this point those assembled ARE the body of Christ. If Jesus is truly among us (which He is), why are we making Jesus kneel?


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