Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Last weeks's Arlington Catholic Herald

I was pleasantly surprised by last week's edition of the Catholic Herald, which is published by the Diocese of Arlington. Two recent editions contained some rather contentious articles on immigration reform. Indeed, it was shocking to see one of them published in a Catholic paper. In a guest editorial, Fr. Jose Hoyos, the Director of the Spanish Apostolate, sets the record straight on how Catholics must view the subject. He makes the very necessary point that immigration limits are artificial and political, which underscores the point that illegal immigration is not a moral failing. As Father says:

In closing, numbers and quotas belong to, and are used by, governments and politicians. Languages often indicate broadened cultural experience and global
awareness. Immigration should always be about social justice and welcoming the one that seeks shelter for a better life.

It is important that we as Catholics support our Catholic brothers and sisters by participating in the bishops’ immigration campaign by filling an immigration postcard at our parishes that will be sent to our state representatives. Do not forget that no human being is illegal in this world nor does the Kingdom of Heaven have
(emphasis mine)

Very well done!

I could comment more extensively on Russell Shaw's piece about the Church-State jurisprudence, or about the Church's amicus brief on one of the cases, but I am in too good a mood to cover them today. Suffice it to say that I disagree with the Church's position, which examines the question of whether a religious group can use religious freedom to persecute homosexuals and comes up with the wrong answer. I find that a Church born out of persecution should never justify such conduct, especially one that bases its entire morality on the Golden Rule.


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