Wednesday, August 21, 2019

About Pell

Reacting to today's essay from Michael Sean Winters from National Catholic Reporter, bloviations from the reactionary Catholic press are unworthy of comment. They become more irrelevant with time. Pell's politics within the Church is also irrelevant. At least Burke is silent. The state of the Australian justice system, or for that matter, of the Church's is also a mere detail.

The sex of the victim is a part the issue. Abuse is a crime of opportunity. Pell had more opportunity with boys because the clergy shuns girls, especially the reactionary clergy.

Most important is that a horror beyond sin was visited upon a real person. It is so horrible that not even the perpetrator cannot face it.

Jesus said he would it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a milestone around his neck. Jesus may have been talking about suicide, not punishment. Pell will have ample opportunity for suicide in prison. His fellow inmates will make sure he suffers, although he does not deserve the release of death for now.

The victim is now almost as badly afflicted. Great compassion toward him will be required to get him back to fine, including forgiving Pell,  but for his own sake.

The sexuality of Pell is important to understand why this happened. To this day, Pell, his friends, and the Church have no clue. Indeed, their focus is how to spare him from justice. It shouldn't be.

It is unlikely Pell is gay. Sexually integrated gay men are not abusers. This is not a question of celibacy. Abuse is pathological. To have a chance at stopping most abuse, we must understand that pathology. This is not a question of heterosexuality gone wrong. Sexually integrated heterosexuals are not abusers either.

While Pell chose celibacy, which is essentially an asexual lifestyle, his demons followed him into the priesthood. Whether he was abused or simply running from himself, there is little chance of escape. The Church offered him no help, just organized repression. This is no release. It only tortures and often explodes.

The Church makes the problem worse by covering it up publicly and considering it an incidence of sin privately. The laity let's it happen and is also clueless on how to stop it.

Laity and clergy see the denial of sexually as holy. It is not. Asexuality is simply a different sexuality on the LGBTQIA spectrum. Well integrated asexuals can indeed be holy if they are well integrated, finding celibacy fulfilling, not burdensome.

Sexual self-acceptance, or rather asexual self-acceptance, provides a peace from which to love others. Well-integrated homosexuals and heterosexuals have the same peace, which is why celibacy need not be a job requirement. Sexual self-acceptance must be. The Church realizes this but has little clue in how to get there. Denying that sexual identity is a thing makes matters worse.

Condemning homosexuality and offering priesthood is no solution. Well integrated gays do well in male fellowship, especially if they ignore the demand of chastity. Those who are not may become abusers.

Well integrated gays and lesbians can also do very well on the outside, especially in a monogamous relationship. For this reason, the Church should embrace gay marriage. Sexuality is for humanity, not for God.

The assumption that sexuality is a sin leads some to promiscuity because if you think you are once damned, two is no problem. Promiscuity is a sin against oneself, not God. Every incidence hurts more, not less.

Some unintegrated gay men and unrealized asexuals who pushed into marriage, as well as unintegrated heterosexuals are all equally as likely to be abusers. It is even more ghastly to abuse your own child or the child of a sibling.

The key to sexual integration is honest self-awareness. Accepting that there is an LGBTQIA spectrum is a start, although maybe we should add an S on the end for straights.

Everyone who is self-fulfilled is healthy. Being in the center of the normal is statistics, not morality or health. Likewise, being sexually different is not sinful or unhealthy. We are what God made us. How we respond to it is what makes us well or pathological.

This is the truth upon which to base our sexual morality. As long as asexual priests are considered holy, rather than simply different, they will assume that their truth is true for the rest of us. In accepting that, they will find happiness for themselves. Happy people do not abuse children. Knowing this allows the Church to care for unhappy people in their own ranks and the world at-large.

Sadly, it is too late for Pell and his victim, at least for now. Christ does offer us healing, but not until we are honest with ourselves


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