Saturday, September 14, 2019

June v. Gee

The briefs are all in for June v. Gee. The Center for Reproductive Rights is applying for Certiorari to overturn the 5th Circuit in upholding the Louisiana Trap Laws. They may get it, but they are more likely to get a Per Curiam ruling from the October 1st Conference reversing the Fifth Circuit and overturning the law. If that happens, it will signal the Circuit to pass on hearing any appeal to the inevitable overturn of the Alabama Abortion Law. For all intents and purposes, this will end the pro-life movement as a Republican entity. We will know the first Monday in October.

The only way forward in that case would be a refundable negative income tax to make sure each child can afford to not only be born, but to also not live in poverty. If that is not pursued, then the movement will be unmasked as a Republican front group who uses the unborn as pawns to re-elect Donald Trump or elect Pence. Of course, if Pence fights for a living wage, he will have my support in doing so.


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