Monday, August 26, 2019

Abortion, Eugenics, Euthanasia and Execution

My latest comments needed wider posting. I think I covered the water front in a few paragraphs.

Since some have asked, yes I've read Roe. It relies on federal power claimed from Hernandez to Box v. Planned Parenthood. Box was unanimous, but the Concurrence by Thomas was a review of eugenics.

The day has come to shame anyone trying to repeal it by voting GOP and possibly those on the left who also do so.

The way to stop abortion is to throw money at families. The average household of 2.6 persons would, on average get $19,200, give or take a child or six. Such sizeable credits should be distributed with pay. Anyone who refuses to is neither pro-life or anti-poverty. I wanted to run for President to get this point across. This has been my mission in life, both religious and professional.

Government mandated eugenics violates privacy rights. I have heard of the courts mandating birth control, but that is likely unconstitutional. Private birth control and sterilization cannot be banned. It should never be encouraged for environmental or economic reasons. If we can send a woman to Mars, we can feed and hydrate everyone.

Any state ban (laws against suicide or assisting in a suicide) may be challenged on privacy grounds. Euthanasia could banned federally, for adults, children and the unborn. Capital punishment is a form of euthanasia and is allowable constitutionally. I suggest fentanyl. Offer it to death role inmates and lifers who admit to guilt and are sociopathic and shift everyone not a sociopath to treatment and eventual release. The jail thing has gotten old.


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