Tuesday, November 26, 2019


A few weeks ago, I speculated on who might be Anonymous. After the last few weeks, we know that neither Trump or Mulvaney could be Anonymous. Both are bad actors and idiots.

Today's McGahn ruling has people wonder if Bolton will testify (likely) or Mulvaney (No). Mulvaney will take the 5th on every question. He is one of the targets, not a witness. Pompeo too. Lev should be considered one as well. Lev works for Firtash (and Putin). Rudy works for Lev. Mulvaney, Pompeo & Nunes (and Pence) work for Rudy.  Trump is a Patsy. They are all traitors. Some did not start out that way, but once in, there is no way out.

SCOTUS may be days away from a Per Curiam decision rejecting Certiorari in Mazars,  trashing absolute immunity and the OGC memo and lifting all stays. One affirmation of U.S. v. Nixon ends all appeals. Anyone who thinks that they would support Trump over country should feel ashamed of themselves. Moscow Mitch will never let all the damming information come out. It is idiocy to spin any narrative that says otherwise.

GOP Senators do not care what voters think. They care that donors may fund an air war against them. Donors also see the writing on the wall. At any one time, in each party, there are 16 Senators that want to be President. Trump is so close to being ousted that they can smell it. One of them will be the nominee, not Trump. Timing is everything.

Any Democratic candidate who does not think also think Trump is out soon should end their campaigns. They don't have the instincts for the job.

Late news is that the White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations is resigning. If Daniel Walsh is the person who made sure the trains ran on time, then his exit means there is no saving this White House. He is smart enough to see what happens next with SCOTUS. Anyone he was protecting by writing Anonymously is already gone. The Steady State has left the building.


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