Friday, May 08, 2020

Regarding the Flynn memo

Yesterday, the U.S. Attorney for D.C. submitted a motion to end the case against Flynn. This allows him and Attorney General Barr to look loyal to Trump while doing what the original prosecutors wanted to do long ago: clear the case without penalizing Flynn for cooperating in the Russia investigation (both the Special Council and any related, yet undisclosed, investigation by the National Security Division at DOJ.

The delay came because Flynn did a victory dance, probably for Oval Office consumption, which infuriated the judge who was about to bless the original sentence. He confronted Flynn and had him request a continence. After calming down, instead of walking the delay back and ending this distraction, it started a process by a Fox News personality to make motions designed to draw a Trump pardon. I suspect that someone told Trump that a pardoned Flynn would be compelled to tell everything he knows. The mini is the way out.

What has gotten lost in the indignation about Barr and the U.S. Attorney is that the whole prosecution, which was about Flynn being questioned about lying to the Vice President, gives the Vice President plausible deniability on his own involvement in the attempt by Putin to get sanctions lifted due to his interference in the 2016 election and invasion of Ukraine. The document release this week shows a failure of imagination by the FBI for not pursuing such a line of inquiry.

It strains credulity to think Pence was not involved with what was essentially espionage under cover of presidential power. No one has the courage to call it that, nor did they during impeachment.

If Putin was not a 2 bit KGB thug, he could have gotten boundary adjustment without sending in Oligarchs or troops. Trump never would have been opportuned over the Moscow Project (which would never have happened because it would have ruined the Moscow skyline). He would have had to have found another hill to embarrass himself on.

Pence with deniability is Pence that can pardon Trump. Pence without deniability would have had to resign if the likely truth came out. Of course, it might be hiding someplace, to show up when the time is right; probably just after the Supreme Court decides the question of Trump's claim to absolute presidential immunity (which is not a thing). The argument is Tuesday and the Court Conference is one week from today. If the announcement of the decision is immediate, the GOP leadership will have an excuse to rid themselves of its orange devil.

Trump thinks he pulled off a win today. Nope.


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