Friday, April 01, 2022

Humiliating God

Just a quick note on my post from earlier this week. When we see God as accepting and loving, with no personal stake for Itself in human morality, we essentially humiliate God so that we can learn acceptance and humility of ourselves and others. The Cross was the ultimate in humiliation, but not for the Father. The Father and the Son are ONE. It was for our benefit only. The Sixth Step in the AA program makes one ready to have God remove one's defects of character. This means having a God that can be trusted to do so - a much humbler version than what is taught by most religious people.

The deaths and rebirths of Osiris and Ra a parallel belief, although these are astrological myths (seasonal and daily), rather than the actual thing.

To find eternal life, you must lose the earthly life. To find happiness, one must be born again (made new), by dying to the old self in baptism (or a Mikvah). The god of shame must be replaced by a God who is Love. To love another so that one is martyred for their good (such as fellow Christians or Muslims), is the ultimate gift of love - provided you don't kill someone else in the process. That witness also serves the interest of those who see the witness - not God. God is not placated by human sacrifice. A god who must be placated cannot be the eternal God - who needs nothing for His/Herself.


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