Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Bill Barr conned both Trump and the media on SDNY appointment

Watch "Bill Barr's abject corruption; 40 subpoenas  & 2 seized cell phones; & Trump's special master pick" on YouTube

Anything having to do with Trump's Ukraine papers needs Special Master review and a finding on executive and attorney client privilege. Once Trump loses this fight, expect a deal before Rudy can make one.

Best thing about 40 subpoenas is that they include congressional staff. This is more important than getting Trump.

If Barr were corrupt rather than being a distraction for Trump, all information unearthed in Mueller and SDNY investigations would have been sealed or destroyed. Think it through.

Barr was either incompetent or crazy like a fox. He made sure that the person Trump wanted was not approved and the career prosecutor left in charge. Corrupt? He made Trump think he was loyal while guarding integrity of SDNY.


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