Thursday, November 10, 2022

Let's talk about Meidas Touch, Stonekettle, and myself....

Polling, on the whole, works. Polling averages that include Republican polls do not. Polling averages are a species of both-siderism. If both sides were honest, they would say the same things as "leftist" polls - which are not skewed. I always throw out polls that agree with Rasmussen and I always come up with the right answer. Both siderism is great for capturing audience (except that it never does - right wingers always watch Fox and live on confirmation bias). News editors love close races. So do campaigns because it gets people to the polls.

The other factor is that this is a 50-50 nation where we vote for candidate resumes and personalities, not actual proposals. The only way past this is for someone to have a new idea, like massive tax reform. This worked for Huckabee with the Fair Tax until Romney's cult of personality won the Republicans in 2008. Oops.


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