Sunday, December 18, 2022

Let's talk about House Republicans wanting referrals

The whole Hunter Biden narrative is an outgrowth of the absurd notion that Joe Biden fired a prosecutor who was not prosecuting his son's company. Not exactly father of the year stuff. That whole question was part of the "perfect phone call" which was a misdirection from Trump trying (unsuccessfully) to stop Javelin missiles from going to Ukraine. The DoD Comptroller stopped Trump's espionage by making sure the money was spent. 

Luckily, DOJ found a related money trail from Putin to Trump's PAC - which likely also leads to certain Republican Congressmen. Some of these members will be sitting on pins and needles watching the criminal referral section of Monday's hearing by the January 6th Committee. Even if there is none, they know in their heart of hearts that Jack Smith has all of the information on the Ukraine matter.

The only people who were fooled by the perfect phone call were the Impeachment Managers - although I suspect that they took a dive instead. They paid for their nonsense. Never wound a king. Had they made the first impeachment be about Russia and not electoral hijinks, Pence would have become President - likely with Trump forced to resign rather than convicted. Instead, Schumer and Pelosi let the dice roll and, instead of building their majority in the House with people voting Democratic with Biden, they lost seats anyway because 2018 was an overcorrection. They got greedy.


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