Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Let's talk about the Republican response to Trump's new push....

Saying that they took Trump out of context is correct. He wants to call a new election or have the states he lost (with GOP legislatures) send a new set of electors. The provision he wants to cut out is the January 20th start date. Of course, he will not give Al Gore the same privilege. Gore won in 2000 if you credit him with double votes where they were both for him. Media recounts show Gore won on that basis.

Trump is lashing out after realizing that his files from Mar O Lago on Ukraine will be seen by Smith rather than set aside as privileged foreign policy (not criminal). He also knew he would lose NYC v. Trump Org. Self-pity oozes from his pores. 

He will be doing a deal shortly, being dragged kicking and screaming to it, and will have to give up on running for President again. After being convicted or pleading out, he loses his reason for running again. 

As for the GOP, they believe, probably correctly, that no one will care what they say now about Trump's foibles. If the GOP is smart, the Republican they will be supporting is Liz Cheney. People who vote for anyone on the GOP line will vote for Liz. Even MAGA. Someone needs to ask these GOP politicians that question. The answer will be the same. They will support the GOP nominee.


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