Thursday, November 10, 2022

Let's talk about why there wasn't a red wave....

In 2020, the Democrats lost seats in the House. This was a readjustment on the 2018 Blue wave. That was your Red Wave. The districts that were Red were really Red in 2020. The ones that were really Blue, reflected the people in 2020. The GOP had no ground to take. The Dems did because some amount of GOP gerrymandering was cleaned up. So was Democratic gerrymandering, which will affect Maryland's 6th (like it did Virginia's second). 

What will get us beyond the current personality base for electing people is new ideas. Biden has a few of those, which are good for the nation, but the Red districts won't go with them unless they come with real tax reform and real info on the national debt and how it fuels inequality.


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