Thursday, November 24, 2022

Another leaked Supreme Court opinion. Per New York Times, Justice Alito ...

Color me shocked. Justice Roberts will not be pleased at either the leaks or the reporting. Hobby Lobby argument did not argue that religious liberty is often a cover for exercises of religious power. 

Dobbs argument left out Civil War issue and did not discuss congressional power under 14 to say when personhood begins, which states don't have.

Alito voted with Roberts and Kennedy when Scalia wanted to overturn Roe to uphold partial birth abortion law. They used commerce clause instead  So, no. No investigation.

The justices, in their confirmation hearings all said the magic words on how no future case can be telegraphed in hearings. At the time, the votes were not there to challenge Roe. Then Kennedy retired and the restraining affect he had evaporated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that I don't like stories like this one. First, the case mentioned is more than 10 years old, right? Worse, this story is barely more than gossip. "I heard that Alito told Person X a story like this one, too." So, according to the news, Alito had a private dinner with friends and he told them something he shouldn't have told them. And then Alito's "secret" got out, BUT nobody heard about it for almost a decade? Nah, I do not want this kind of "news" from the media. There are children dying of hunger, corporations knowingly allowing the poor to die for the sake of profit margins - this is the kind of stuff I want exposed and dealt with.

11:46 AM


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