Thursday, November 10, 2022

Standing against Christian Oppression

The persecuted almost always become persecutors. This started when Constantine saw his cross in the sky. Even before that, neo-platonists like Anselm and Augustine started their war on women when they created Sacred Countenance and turned the Holy Family to a trio of asexuals. 

The question before us in American constitutional law is whether bishops firing gay employees who get married is religious power instead of religious freedom. Hosanna Tabor leaves that question to the Church - or the current Court will at least say that. 

Fixing the problem is up to the laity. Catholics can keep the Sacraments while adopting a more Anglican priesthood, but with a more democratic (congregational) governance. It is not enough to apologize to or defy the hierarchy. We must eviscerate it.

The question must be, does the clergy serve at our pleasure or do we worship at theirs. Pretty basic.


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