Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Culture, Feeling and Authenticity

The evolution of society is marked by the replacement of emotion with reason. As Foucault, Weber and Althusser would say, the state has trained it out of us through the structures of capitalism. Rationality has become the prized modern survival skill. We select things based on reason, rather than emotion.

The counter-movement to all of this reason is authenticity, which is based on our "true selves." Therapy, whether it is in the form of T-Groups or individual counseling is about reconnecting with our emotions, our human selves. The human development movement, from Scientology to Est and its successor, the Landmark Forum, follow the same tact. 

There is an exercise in the Forum where a participant is asked to choose chocolate and asked why. When a reason is given, they are told that it is not they that are choosing chocolate (or vanilla), but their reasons. In the end, the authentic choice is to simply choose it because you choose it. Individuality comes with authenticity. Revealing your authenticity is a way to enroll others in your development. This keeps your transformation alive.  

Sharing transformation is not a cynical ploy to get more people to register. The reverse is true - people registering is a measure of whether participants are being authentic in their lives - affirming their humanity.

It is no accident that those in sales and leadership come from a place of emotion, rather than reason. A good salesman sells himself, not the reasons to buy the product. This is yet another data point on why being low grid is to be in touch with one's feelings, affirming the self rather than the rational world.

Look at van life. Objectively, having a house and a job is much more comfortable, but it is not free. Dropping out of the modern world is the essence of freedom and self-value. Individuality is thus an emotional experience. 

This is why human development professionals put rational, group connected hierarchs in emotional settings stressing individuality. Everyone has every skill, but growth comes when one's less dominant functions are magnified. Opposites attract, but it is by flipping existing functions rather than finding new ones.

This is also why some forms of artificial intelligence are not a good idea. Machines are designed to use reason and operate independently. What do you call it when machines begin to link together and value themselves? Sky Net.


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