Friday, July 12, 2024

Eating Crow over Joe - 4 more years

Biden nailed it in the press conference tonight. The media, to have any credibility, need to do two things: 

1. Release likely voter poll data. As Biden said, in all likely voter polls, Biden wins easily. The Blue Wall is growing higher

2. Start asking when Trump will have the same kind of press conference Biden just nailed. Every Democrat must make that point. It needs to be the meme for the next two weeks.

I would still like to see the polls of Biden or Harris against whomever Trump picks as VP and vs Nikki Haley. Likely voters, not registered voters or adult Americans. I suspect the Dems are doing that already. It is why Joe is still in the race. Not doing so would be an oversight.

There is a very real possibility that Trump will be off the ticket. We know that Judge Chutkin will delineate which acts are unofficial - and very quickly. She may even talk about how this trail cannot be cancelled by the DOJ. The final thing to stop a trial is to let Trump know what to expect upon conviction. His lawyers need to either ack the judge or estimate what will happen and go to Melania to make the decision. 

She is likely also decisionmaker on the VP choice - like last time. Convince her that a deal is the best thing and Trump is done. Of course, she cares nothing for the Republican Party, which is what scares them - or should.


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