Monday, December 16, 2019

Not Election Meddling, Treason

Literally most Americans want Trump to be impeached and probably removed, but election meddling does not cut it. Trying to get Zalensky to confirm the Fox News meme about Hunter Biden would have ZERO effect on the election.

Election meddling is the Trump cover story for what he really wanted to do, which was, as Rachel Maddow noted in September, to not send Ukraine any military aid at all.

Most people feel, with good reason, that their votes are safe. Their neighbors volunteer a few days each election cycle to help them vote and they are absolutely certain that the count is fair and accurate. As long as that is the case, election meddling is a non-issue. The GOP wins that fight in the Senate and Trump is reelected

Maddow has also reported on SDNY and the story of Lev and Igor's money. That Moscow funded Lev is now documented. That Lev paid Rudy is also documented. That Rudy is in control of Ukraine policy is now well known. Anonymous (likely the recently resigned WH DCS for Ops) has shown that there is no way Trump could have possibly put together the scheme.

Connect the dots. Rudy does not work for Trump. Trump works for Rudy. Say it loud and often. Have Chairman Schiff get staff from the FBI and SDNY on TV before his committee. Lay it out clearly so that GOP opponents have to defend Trump on treason, not a Fox News publicity stunt.

This is what Mueller should have been chasing down instead of shutting it elsewhere. We needed him to be a cop, not a lawyer. That Trump was beholden to Russia should have had Trump and Pence under arrest a year ago.

Elections are not in danger for most of the country. A Russian Agent being paid by Moscow through Lev and Igor to handle the President and draft a pro Putin foreign policy is. Unless that is the theory of the case on impeachment, don't even bother.

If Treason is the theory if the case, no one will be defending Trump in the Senate. Making Zelensky say things on Fox News is not impeachable. Trying to not pay him at all (and the money was literally released on the last day possible before expiring, thanks to the whistleblower) is what he should be removed for (not the cover story).

Have Schiff and Joyce Vance on and discuss this. Raskin too.

Being too cute turned the Dr. Ford allegations unto political theater rather than a bar to office. It had the Bush cuts on the wealthy not be revoked until 2013 instead of 2009 because the party wanted to make the GOP look bad.

The same idiocy funded Obama care by taxing the rich instead of a broad based tax which would have gotten criticism but not 80 some votes in Congress to repeal the whole thing.

Turn off the stupid, forget the election meddling (no one cares - the people want Trump out, but not enough yet to move to get 67 votes) and hit him with a very provable treason charge rather than trying to drag down the Senate GOP for clearing Trump for electoral reasons. That would be election meddling. Go for a unanimous Senate. The GOP will not acquit Trump for treason.


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