Saturday, January 18, 2020

Trump: Not Guilty and Insane

The facts of the Ukraine incident are not in dispute. They should be stipulated. The question is motive. The Democratic Party is unwilling to come out and accuse the President of treason for withholding aid to Ukraine; that the "perfect" phone call and even the Parnas interviews are simply a cover for this intent and the subsequent bribery. The only question is motive.

Election meddling is a joke. No Democrat was going to change their vote because Hunter Biden was in the Burisma board, nor would any Fox News voter be more likely to vote for Trump because of it. The only audience for such information is the President himself. It is an idea fixe; a delusion. It is one of many signs that Mr. Trump is not competent to stand trial or serve as President.

Out of misguided loyalty, the Vice President, Cabinet and White House staff have been covering for him his entire term; his children for their entire lives. The House Republicans are as well. Please do not join them. The President is not culpable, but neither should he continue in office. Please convince him to resign and avoid this trial. If he does not, you must remove him for the good of the nation.


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