Sunday, August 18, 2024

Palestine Part 2

My family converted at every point, starting from being Egyptians during the Bronze Age to being Hebrews (both kingdoms - one going to Assyria and then India, then Saxony and the other going to Babylon and coming back Jewish then being taken in slavery to Rome, etc.
Those who were not taken to Rome eventually were converted to Christianity, then to Islam. The North African Phoenicians founded Carthage and their Semitic religion informed Greece and Rome. El became Baal, became Cronos became Saturn and YHWH became Zeus. Those who think Rome created Christianity had it backwards. Canaanite religion created Greco Roman religion. BTW, Dr. Fatima and one of my exes, who is Sephardic, could pass for Stacey when younger. Evolution has not had time to catch up.
Those who escaped slavery (and the Samaritans did so by being converted by the Apostle Philip) were all Christianized by Rome - including the North Africans who were conquered by Rome earlier. Then the Arabs conquered the Middle East and North Africa and the majority became Muslim, although not all..
Just like a Ashkenazi who eventually became Lutheran and Catholic and are now fairly secular Catholics. Ordain Women! 
Palestinians can get their land and their equality, freak out the Zionists and give Bibi fits - and win - by returning to our roots as I am. Learn Hebrew, chant the blessing, go to synagogue, keep the Sabbath as you already did in Palestine in the days of old. 
If you cannot beat them - and my family history shows that beating them is impossible - join them. 
Doing so will confirm that Bibi wants ethnic cleansing - but this will stop him from getting what he wants. Not accepting mass conversion would look bad, even for Zionists.


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