Tuesday, February 04, 2020

On Iowa

Still waiting for final results.

Mayor Pete looks to have won, but does he have legs in New Hampshire?

Can he credibly ask a Senator to be his Vice President, especially Senator Harris?

After his speech last night about finding belonging, does he have a chance in South Carolina?

Will Joe Biden retire gracefully from public life? Paging Dr. Jill.

Is Amy a genius for investing in a New Hampshire, expecting Sanders and Warren to split the Left?

Will Bernie split the women's vote? (He also must get Harris as V.P., Biden too if he pulls off a miracle).

Haven't we ended our Billionaire fetish? Shouldn't Mike and Tom have run in the GOP instead? They vote for Billionaires and slavishly follow their policies. This seems like a lost opportunity.

We will know about much of this in a week. If Amy does really well in the Granite State, she is in and Mayors Mike and Pete have a reason to stay. If Sanders wins big, one of the women must leave and that may be Amy unless she comes in second.

If Warren wins big, Sanders needs to be a gentleman and join Biden in retirement. His band of Social Democrats (they are not real socialists, their ideology is a better cage).

Both Warren and Klobuchar must pick either Senator Booker or Mayor Patrick to get the male Obama only voters. They will get the women's vote for all but the pro-lifers.

Pro-life Democrats need to face the question of whether they would give the unborn the legal right to a claim to a criminal law solution against their mother's and their doctors. In the criminal law, the mother must be prosecuted for contracting murder. If not, abortion is not murder nor is regulating it possible without violating her privacy rights. If they can't face that question, no one will trust them. They need to chose between being RINO or DINO, based on their answer. Pick a side.

The smart move for Warren or Klobuchar and NARAL on life issues is jujitsu. Say absolutely nothing. Any pro-choice or mushy-middle woman will be voting against Trump anyway. If they want to make the election a referendum about abortion, either kiss Catholics on the fence about abortion rights goodbye or explain why Dems for Life must be DINO or RINO and offer an economic solution instead (a robust, refundable, child tax credit with pay).

I don't see Amy adopting an aggressive Child Tax Credit, so the best nominee must be Senator Warren.


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