Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Super Tuesday

A few takeaways. Biden owes his victories tonight to two groups.

Black voters turned out go him after Clyburn's endorsement and a solid debate performance (and a horrendous performance by Bloomberg). The anti-billionaire sanity check made it Biden's race to lose and he won it.

The second group that gave it to Biden was the never Trumpers in open primary states. The Republican Party has doomed itself and not removing Trump has sealed their fate. Unless they quickly put Pence in the big chair, their ship will sink. Joe needs to quickly form plans for Pence as an opponent, just in case.

Sanders has built a coalition for a future in which the Republican Party no longer exists. He will not be the one to lead it to victory, but it will eventually win. Indeed, the movement will enlarge from social democracy to the defeat of capitalism.

Social democracy and the movement as it exists today has to have the rich to play off in the same way that reactionaries depend on society making progress so that they can resist it. The debate must be enlarged and Sanders cannot do so. His only promise is free stuff. That is not the revolution we need.

Whatever happens this year will solve the short term insanity of Trump. Both Biden and Sanders are too old to bring about much more than that. For now, however, that is enough.


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