Thursday, February 13, 2020

Free Roger Stone!

I hate to say it, but I agree with Citizen Trump on this one. Unless actual violence or bribery is involved, witness tampering should be an aggravating factor, as should lying to the FBI and Congress.

It is not Stone or Don, Jr. or Michael Cohen who should be on trial for the lies to Congress. It should be Jay Sekulow and his colleagues for both conspiracy and suborning perjury (which is more serious than the perjury itself).  That Jay can still practice law anywhere is a travesty.

What is Stone's underlying crime? Was he a acting as a journalist (he claims to be one) when he passed stolen information from the Internet Research Agency or was he a cyber-criminal? That is what a jury should have a chance to determine. If so, add the lying and tampering to the penalty.

Did the DNC have a right to not be embarrassed? Not really. Putting a thumb on the scale is how they roll. I am sure that someone is working behind the scenes against Sanders or Warren.

The most objectionable thing from 2016 is whether Trump had inside info on how soft Hillary was on Partial Birth Abortion. Did Moscow hack her briefing book? Did Trump collude with the Catholic bishops, who seemed ready to run with the issue after the third debate. I doubt there are fingerprints.

The question of election meddling is a way to muddy Trump without losing the ability to run against him and Moscow Mitch. The question behind the meddling is the real one that no one wants to touch. Mueller ignored it. So did Pelosi, Schiff and Schumer. It is this:

Is the President of the United States an unregistered Russian agent?

I suspect that prosecutors are operating under the theory that he can be close to Putin as policy matter. Not making this the focus of the investigation (which it is in SDNY and with Mazars) is too little, too late. Quietly making a case against GRUdi instead of treating him and Trump as an immanent threat is a dereliction of duty. Election meddling and obstruction are small potatoes compared to that.


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