Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Time for Jujitsu?

 Please don't get whiplash. I know I recently advised blocking the Barrett nomination by turning four GOP Senators in exchange for chairmanships in the next Congress, but it looks like the die is cast.

Would it be better to approve this by consent ASAP, rather than actively fighting the nomination at every turn? I know Leader Schumer is all about the futile publicity stunt, but this will energize the pro-life voters on the fence to break for Trump. Hillary played to women on the partial birth abortion question in the third debate in 2016. The bishops responded and energized Catholic voters in the swing states, giving us Trump. Let's not make the same mistake twice. That is the definition of insanity.

Will Democratic women stay home if we don't fall on our swords on Barrett? No, especially if we make Trump's relationship with Putin the issue, as well as his many other flaws. If there is no net benefit in opposing Barrett, Don't. Get this off the table ASAP.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Letter to my Senators on RBG seat (feel free to steal)

I am deeply concerned over the possibility of an immediate confirmation of anyone besides Merrick Garland for Justice Ginsberg's seat. Even worse would be confirmation during a lame duck session. Regrettably, I doubt that Leader McConnell has the same concerns - especially if he loses his own seat.

My worry is compounded by the likelihood that Leader Schumer will use losing this fight as yet another electoral stunt. 

When Democrats last had the majority, the call for ending the 60 vote limit was intense. Republicans agreed and now all of the vacancies in the federal judiciary have been filled. There is a lesson in this. We must shoot for 60 or bust.

There is no path to a 60 vote majority unless current Republican chairs are convinced that they will lose their majority in November. After the election, Leader Schumer should welcome anyone who will change parties to do so and thus keep their committee seniority and chairmanships. I am sure there are more than one Senator who can read the writing on the wall. Everyone knows of at least one. If four can be found who will block immediate consideration of the likely Barrett nomination and switch once the election takes place, they deserve such a reward.

This is no time for Schumer to play games with issues to win seats. While some races may be up for grabs, another stunt will have no impact on who wins these seats. These races are profoundly local and any national factor is due to Trump's failures, not some stunt designed to embarrass GOP senators. We tried this with Kavanaugh, the 2010 tax bill vote (that never occurred), immigration reform and personal accounts for Social Security. None of these stunts turned the tide in any races. 

I urge you to prevail on the Leader to start making deals for Chairmanships rather than planning another stupid and useless gesture.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Hows of Being Pro-Life

Father James Martin writes in America Magazine: Why I Am Pro-Life 

The question is not why Fr. Martin is pro-life, but how. There are three hows. The first, which Fr. Martin and MSW demonstrate, is by witness. 

The second is to do so by directing the criminal law at abortion providers - usually by granting the power to do so to the states (which would also overturn all civil rights law supremacy at the federal level - giving states the last word - i.e., bring back Plessy). Some clergy think this is a good idea. Given Fr. Martin's commitment to LGBT persons, I doubt Fr. Martin is one of them. 

The third is to show us the money, primarily by allowing pregnant and LGBT teens to safely leave their parents and set up house on their own rather than living in the street or procuring an abortion. This means access to schools, pay to go to school and payment for any children they have (with lifetime support for Downs children) at median income levels. Without actively working for the third how, the first how is a bumper sticker.  It is impossible to be for all three. One and two together are a bumper sticker that says "Vote for Trump." They will never support the third, which they consider to be socialism.

Democrats for Life never mention being for How-Two. It is why the GOP does not trust them and why the Susan B. Anthony fund gives money to their opponents. Unless they do reject How-Two, they are not welcome in the Democratic Party either. There is a word for people who reject How-Two. Pro Choice.