Monday, June 20, 2022

Ideas to get the guns by thinking like a capitalist

Joe Biden wants to reduce the availability of firearms. Here is how.  Some of these things do not even involve Congress. States can do this too. Rich people can do,. You can even create a 501(c)(3) to continually practice harassment capitalism.

1. Change the DFAR (Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations) to require that those who sell guns to the U.S. military be debarred from doing so if they sell to the public. Do the same for ammo.

2. Buy guns. Show up with at gun shows and gun stores and buy up all of the handguns and ammunition for them. Every bullet. The beauty of this is that cities like Washington, DC and Chicago can do this in neighboring jurisdictions. 

3. If they keep doing this, the price of ammo will go up. If supply goes up (and it might), stop buying it so that the ammo makers and gun shops are suck with such huge supplies that they either must close or dump the supply - which should then be bought up.

4. Buy up and control the market of key components of both guns and ammo. By key components, I mean items or chemicals that are necessary and, if absent, stop production. if you can corner the market, guns and ammo go away. 

5. This applies to equipment to make guns as well. Find that part that is essential to the production process that is not readily available and buy the company that makes it. Stop selling the part. Here is the list (I did not say it would be easy).

6. Pass a law restricting the purchase of ammo that can be used for hunting to the agencies that issue hunting licenses. Sell only enough for hunters and only in season.

7. Make it really hard to be a licensed gun dealer - especially at gun shows.

8. Buy gun stores. Buy the buildings or the land if you can't buy the business. Close the stores.

9. Set up a red flag registry for behavioral health patients to permanently put themselves on when they are adequately treated, so that when they are not well, they can't go off the list.


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