Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hawai'i Part 3


The answer on Hawai'i is for Berkeley and U Hawaii to insist that native Hawaiians have the same access to education and an equal child tax credits as anyone else in the states - or higher for all residents to meet their costs.

The answer to colonialism is to start with cooperative socialism. To get there, start with ESOPs and make them more socialistic - electing leaders who first have to bid down CEO pay in an open auction, then have worker owners making decisions (one worker, one vote - but preferred shares to reward longevity) on offering housing to lower wage employees, building housing for tenure employees (and equalizing pay), providing education, finance, having the cooperative make decisions explicitly that they now don't make collectively - so workers control the means of production, consumption, finance, retirement and human services and expand to offer their supply chains internationally the same deal - so that everyone gets the same standard of living (adjusted to the economy but buying the same things) as their American counterparts.  In other words, kill capitalism by doing what Marx and Lenin did not do - ask the questions employees need to face to make decisions rather than throwing them in the deep end and watching them drown - which is what happened in Russia and led to incomplete socialism in the Nordic countries. 
Back to Hawaii - work toward equal economics for those who were colonized. Provide the education - paying them to take it - no debt.
Require that Scientists learn the local religion and help practice it on the Mountain. Build spiritual centers on top of the world and accept a shorter work day if those activities last into the night. SHARE THE LOVE OF ASTRONOMY WITH THEM! They will appreciate it! Make them part of your universe by joining their spirituality!.


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